Façade du bâtiment du Centre Inria de Paris
Photo © Vladimir Partalo

Inria Paris Centre

Through research and innovation in digital, the dynamic and internationally-renowned Inria Paris centre is helping us to establish ourselves as a scientific and technological leader. Constantly in dialogue with our partners, universities and businesses, and operating within open and diverse ecosystems, our research activities are centred around scientific excellence and impact.

The Inria Paris centre is fully committed to the development of Paris’s three world-class research and innovation universities: Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL), Sorbonne University (SU) and Paris Cité University.


31 project teams and 700 individuals, researchers, engineers and research support staff, from 55 different nationalities, work every day to: explore new fields of research based on computing and applied mathematics; develop cutting-edge software technology; and support and accelerate deep tech startups.

Inria Paris Centre research fields

Rooted in computer science and applied mathematics, Inria research and innovation projects cover everything related to digital science and technology:

Positioning & Strategic issues

Priority lines of research

  • Software reliability, security and safety 
  • Artificial intelligence in partnership with universities through PRAIRIE (PaRis Artificial Intelligence Research InstitutE) and SCAI (Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence)
  • Interdisciplinarity, particularly in bio-IT-health: with Inserm and the Institut Pasteur, and through PariSanté Campus. 

The scientific ecosystem & partners

The Paris IT and mathematics research ecosystem boasts a number of advantages, underscoring the city’s strong professional dynamism. Paris is ideally suited when it comes to promoting international exchanges and organising scientific events.

Some of our research teams work at the Inria Paris centre, while others are based at the capital’s most prestigious labs, in collaboration with the city’s three world-class research and innovation universities (Paris Sciences et Lettres, Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité), in addition to partners such as the Pasteur Institute and ENPC.

These partnerships have enabled researchers from the Inria Paris Centre to take part in both intra- and interdisciplinary collaborations with other research bodies:

  • Public research actors: Paris Sciences et Lettres (ENS - PSL, Collège de France - PSL, Mines ParisTech-PSL, Paris Dauphine - PSL), Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité, ENPC, CNRS, Inserm, Institut Pasteur
  • Innovation ecosystem: Agoranov, Cap Digital, CyberCampus, PariSanté Campus
  • Companies Major groups: Airbus, Dassault SystèmesLinux Foundation, Microsoft, Nokia Bell Labs, Orange,  Safran, Thales, Valeo, Waterloo Maple Inc

Recruitment at the Inria Paris centre


Are you looking to work on stimulating projects in an international, interdisciplinary environment geared towards innovation? Every year Inria recruits interns, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, research fellows and directors of research, either through competitive exams or through contracts.

To ensure the best possible research conditions for young researchers from the minute they arrive, a “Welcome Package” is offered to all research fellows (CRCN) and Inria Starting Faculty Positions (ISFP) joining the Inria Paris centre. This includes a thesis grant and a working budget of €15,000.

More information about:

Technological development

Inria offers a unique environment to talented candidates in the field of technological and software development. Research engineers play a vital role in ensuring high-quality production of knowledge and value by research teams.

Research support

Inria is able to call upon talented individuals in more than 40 different research support positions in pursuit of its ambitions for human resources, administrative support, financial management and communication, and is proud of the 900 individuals on its support staff for research and innovation: truly the backbone of the institute.

Travail collaboratif sur le mur d'images
© Inria / Photo C. Morel

Working at Inria

You wish to become a researcher, an engineer, to accompany the research within the institute? Or simply do an internship?

Eric Fleury
Inria / Photo G. Scagnelli

Éric Fleury

Director of the Inria of Paris centre

Practical informations

Physical location:

Inria Paris Centre
48 rue Barrault
75013 Paris


Inria Paris Centre
48, rue Barrault
CS 61534


  • Phone: (+33) 01 80 49 40 00