Stéphane Huot has been appointed Director of the Inria Center at the University of Lille, effective December 19, 2023.
Stéphane Huot was recruited in 2014 as Research Director at Inria and joined the Mjolnir project-team. In 2018, he created the Loki project-team, specialized in human-machine interaction, jointly with the University of Lille, within the CRIStAL laboratory (CNRS, University of Lille, Centrale Lille). In February 2020, he was appointed Scientific Delegate of the Inria center at the University of Lille, then headed by Mireille Régnier, from whom he will take over in December 2023.
Stéphane Huot holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Nantes (2005). He then spent two postdoctoral periods: the first at Télécom ParisTech, where he studied new visualization and interaction techniques for mobile devices, and the second with the AVIZ team (at the Inria center in Saclay). He became a lecturer in 2007 and continued his career with the in|situ| team (Inria Saclay, LRI/CNRS), until 2014.
In his field of research, he is interested in better understanding and describing phenomena linked to people's interactions with technology, in order to propose methods and tools for designing interactive systems better adapted to identified uses and needs.
In 2022, Stéphane Huot is helping to set up and lead the PEPR eNSEMBLE "Future of digital collaboration" for Inria.