Project-team AVIZ Analysis and VIsualiZation Like many other fields, the sciences are being transformed by our rapidly-increasing abilities to...
Project-team BIVWAC Building Immersive Visualizations for Welfare, Awareness, and Comprehension Bivwac is an Inria- CNRS joint research team in association with the LaBRI computer science lab at...
Project-team EX-SITU Extreme Situated Interaction ExSitu explores the limits of interaction — how extreme users interact with technology in extreme...
Project-team GEOMERIX Geometry-driven Numerics The Inria project-team GeomeriX is devoted to the development of predictive computational tools...
Project-team GRAPHDECO GRAPHics and DEsign with hEterogeneous COntent Despite significant progress in Computer Graphics, HCI and Computer Vision, creating, manipulating...
Project-team HYBRID 3D interaction with virtual environments using body and mind The research activity of Hybrid team belongs to the field of Virtual Reality and 3D interaction with...
Project-team ILDA Interacting with Large Data Datasets are no longer just large. They are distributed over multiple sources and increasingly...
Project-team LOKI Technology & Knowledge for Interaction Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a constantly moving field. On the one hand , c hanges in...
Project-team MANAO Melting the frontiers between Light, Shape and Matter The manao project aims at studying how light, matter and shape act together in synergies, at the...
Project-team MAVERICK Models and Algorithms for Visualization and Rendering Maverick is a research project-team dealing with image synthesis. We place ourselves at the end of...
Project-team MFX Matter from Graphics Our team focuses on challenges related to shape complexity in the context of Computer Graphics and...
Project-team MIMETIC Analysis-Synthesis Approach for Virtual Human Simulation The MimeTIC research team focuses on designing methods for anlayzing human motion in ecological...
Project-team PIXEL Structure geometrical shapes PIXEL is a research team in digital geometry processing. More specifically, we are interested in...
Project-team POTIOC Novel Multimodal Interactions for a Stimulating User Experience Potioc designs, develops and evaluates new approaches that exploit multimodal interaction to promote...
Project-team SEAMLESS Seamless interaction and collaboration through the reality-virtuality continuum Seamless follows a multi-disciplinary approach in the scientific domains of virtual and augmented...