Project-team ACUMES Analysis and Control of Unsteady Models for Engineering Sciences The project focuses on the analysis and optimal control of classical and non-classical evolutionary...
Project-team ASTRAL Advanced StatisTical infeRence And controL The research activities of our team mainly focus on the development of advanced statistical and...
Project-team ATLANTIS modeling and numerical methods for computATionaL wave-mAtter iNteracTIons at the nanoScale ATLANTIS is a joint project-team between Inria, CNRS and Université Côte d'Azur thanks to its...
Project-team BONUS Big Optimization aNd Ultra-Scale Computing Being ubiquitous to countless modern engineering and scientic applications, big optimization...
Project-team CAGE Control and Geometry CAGE's activities take place in the field of mathematical control theory, with applications in three...
Project-team CAGIRE Computational AGility for internal flows sImulations and compaRisons with Experiments CAGIRE has been bringing together researchers from different backgrounds (turbulence modeling...
Project-team CALISTO Stochastic Approaches for Complex Flows and Environment Turbulence modeling and particle dynamics are at play in numerous situations in which inertial...
Project-team CARDAMOM Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts From PDEs to certified computational models : this is the motto of CARDAMOM . We aim at providing a...
Project-team CELESTE mathematical statistics and learning Data science—a vast field that includes statistics, machine learning, signal processing, data...
Project-team DANCE Dynamics and Control of Networks Our mission is to advance the field of Automatic Control to meet the challenges of today’s hyper...
Project-team DISCO Dynamical Interconnected Systems: Control and Optimization The goal of the project is to better understand and well formalize the effects of complex...
Project-team ECUADOR Program transformations for scientific computing The ECUADOR team studies Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) of computer programs, which aims at...
Project-team EDGE Extended formulations and Decomposition for Generic optimization problems Our research interests lie in the field of operations research (O.R.) and integer programming. Our...