Project-team CAMUS Compilation for multi-processor and multi-core architectures The CAMUS team is focusing on developing, adapting and extending automatic and semi-automatic...
Project-team CAPSID Computational Algorithms for Protein Structures and Interactions The Capsid team develops algorithms and software to help study biological systems and phenomena from...
Project-team CARAMBA Cryptology, arithmetic : algebraic methods for better algorithms Our research addresses the broad application domain of cryptography and cryptanalysis from the...
Project-team COAST Web Scale Trustworthy Collaborative Service Systems The advent of the Cloud, of smart mobile devices and of service-based architecture has opened a...
Project-team GAMBLE Geometric Algorithms & Models Beyond the Linear & Euclidean realm Classical computational geometry usually deals with linear objects in a Euclidean setting and when...
Project-team MACARON MAChine leARning for Optimized Numerical methods The INRIA Macaron team (common with IRMA and CNRS) works on the construction of numerical methods...
Project-team MFX Matter from Graphics Our team focuses on challenges related to shape complexity in the context of Computer Graphics and...
Project-team MIMESIS Computational Anatomy and Simulation for Medicine The main focus of the MIMESIS team is to develop new solutions at the crossroad between imaging...
Project-team MOCQUA Designing the Future of Computational Models The goal of the Mocqua team is to tackle challenges coming from the emergence of new or future...
Project-team MULTISPEECH Multimodal Speech in Interaction MULTISPEECH is a joint research team between the Université of Lorraine, Inria, and CNRS. It is part...
Project-team PASTA Space-time random processes and applications PASTA Spatio-Temporal stochastic processes and their applications PASTA is a joint research team...
Project-team PESTO Proof techniques for security protocols The aim of the Pesto project is to build formal models and techniques, for computer-aided analysis...
Project-team PIXEL Structure geometrical shapes PIXEL is a research team in digital geometry processing. More specifically, we are interested in...
Project-team RESIST Resilience and elasticity for security and scalability of dynamic networked systems The RESIST project designs, implements and validates novel models, algorithms and tools for highly...