Challenge ALVEARIUM Large Scale Secure and Reliable Peer-to-Peer Cloud Storage Cloud storage is part of our daily lives. Most user data is stored by large service providers, GAFAM...
Challenge COLaF Corpus and Tools for the Languages of France Through the COLaF project (Corpus et Outils pour les Langues de France, Corpus and Tools for the...
Challenge DORNELL A multimodal, shapeable haptic handle for mobility assistance of people with disabilities While technology helps people to compensate for a broad set of mobility impairments, visual...
Challenge EQIP Engineering for Quantum Information Processors Building a functional quantum computer is one of the grand scientific challenges of the 21st century...
Challenge FedMalin Federated MAchine Learning over the INternet (FedMalin) In many use-cases of Machine Learning (ML), data is naturally decentralized: medical data is...
Challenge LearnNet Learning Networks While machine learning is revolutionizing entire sectors of the digital economy and scientific...
Challenge LiberAbaci The Coq proof assistant and mathematics education Computer proof tools have gained recognition in the production of reliable software and the...
Challenge OcéanIA Artificial Intelligence, Data, and Models for Understanding Oceans and Climate Change There is strong scientific evidence on the adverse effects of climate change on the global ocean...
Challenge OmicFinder Biological data indexation The genomic data produced by reading the DNA of cells is enabling crucial advances in medicine...
Challenge OS Eliminating the Utilization Gap in Data Centers Data centers are today at the heart of all computing, from providing the computing power that...
Challenge PULSE PUshing Low-carbon Services towards the Edge To address climate challenges while meeting the growing need for computing resources, the PULSE...
Challenge ROAD-AI Toward smart Augmented & Integrated Roads and infrastructures Integrated management of infrastructure assets is an approach which aims at reconciling long-term...
Challenge URGE Emergency department patients pathways and care optimization For more than 15 years, emergency departments have been facing a steady increase in their number of...