

Sustainability transition, environment, economy and local policy
Sustainability transition, environment, economy and local policy

STEEP is an interdisciplinary research team devoted to systemic modelling and simulation of the interactions between the environmental, economic and social factors within the context of transition to sustainability at local (sub-national) scales. Our goal is to develop decision-making tools to support decision makers in the implementation of this transition by developing simulation, optimization and visualization softwares. In other words, our objective is to set up some mathematical and computational tools allowing to provide some parts of an answer top the challenges how to operate the sustainable development at local scales? and which local governance for the environmental public policies ?.

Centre(s) inria

Inria Centre at Université Grenoble Alpes

In partnership with

CNRS,Université de Grenoble Alpes,Université Pierre Mendes-France (Grenoble)


Team leader

Marie-Anne Dauphin-Rizzi

Team assistant
