Project-team ASTRAL Advanced StatisTical infeRence And controL The research activities of our team mainly focus on the development of advanced statistical and...
Project-team ATLANTIS modeling and numerical methods for computATionaL wave-mAtter iNteracTIons at the nanoScale ATLANTIS is a joint project-team between Inria, CNRS and Université Côte d'Azur thanks to its...
Project-team AUCTUS Robots for Humans at work The objective of the Auctus team is to imagine the collaborative robots of the future. The ability...
Project-team AVALON Algorithms and Software Architectures for Distributed and HPC Platforms The Avalon research team is a joint group between INRIA, CNRS, ENS Lyon, the University Claude...
Project-team AVIZ Analysis and VIsualiZation Like many other fields, the sciences are being transformed by our rapidly-increasing abilities to...
Project-team BENAGIL Efficient and safe distributed systems The Benagil team studies how to design more efficient and safer distributed systems with a focus on...
Project-team BIOVISION Biologically plausible Integrative mOdels of the Visual system : towards synergIstic Solutions for visually-Impaired people and artificial visiON Vision is a key function to sense the world and perform complex tasks, with a high sensitivity and a...
Project-team BIVWAC Building Immersive Visualizations for Welfare, Awareness, and Comprehension Bivwac is an Inria- CNRS joint research team in association with the LaBRI computer science lab at...
Project-team BONUS Big Optimization aNd Ultra-Scale Computing Being ubiquitous to countless modern engineering and scientic applications, big optimization...
Project-team BOREAL Knowledge Representation and Rule-Based Languages for Reasoning on Data Current information systems are grounded on the exploitation of data coming from an increasing...
Project-team CAGE Control and Geometry CAGE's activities take place in the field of mathematical control theory, with applications in three...