Project-team SODA Computational and mathematical methods to understand health and society with data The soda team does research at the intersection between machine-learning, databases, and...
Project-team SPADES Sound Programming of Adaptive Dependable Embedded Systems The SPADES project-team aims at mastering the complexity and dependability of networked embedded...
Project-team SPIRALS Self-adaptation for distributed services and large software systems Spirals is conducting research activities in the domains of distributed systems and software...
Project-team STACK Software Stack for Massively Geo-Distributed Infrastructures STACK members address challenges related to the management and advanced usages of Utility Computing...
Project-team STAMP Safety Techniques based on Formalized Mathematical Proofs The STAMP project-team studies the formal verification of algorithms and mathematical results using...
Project-team STARS Spatio-Temporal Activity Recognition of Social interactions The Stars research team focuses on the design of cognitive vision systems for Activity Recognition...
Project-team STATIFY Bayesian and extreme value statistical models for structured and high dimensional data The STATIFY team specializes in the statistical modeling of systems involving data with a complex...
Project-team STEEP Sustainability transition, environment, economy and local policy STEEP is an interdisciplinary research team devoted to systemic modelling and simulation of the...
Project-team STORM STatic Optimizations, Runtime Methods The successes of computer science in numerical scientific simulation, indata analysis and now in...
Project-team SYCOMORES Symbolic analysis and Component-based design for Modular Real-Time Embedded Systems The objective of the SYCOMORES project-team is to develop a framework for the design and the...
Project-team TADAAM Topology-aware system-scale data management for high-performance computing The goal of the TADaaM project is to design and build a stateful system-wide service layer for HPC...
Project-team TANGRAM Visual Registration with Physically Coherent Models Physically coherent modeling, accurate registration and development of associated robust estimation...