Project-team QURIOSITY Quantum Information Processing and Communication QURIOSITY’s ambition is to extend the application horizon of quantum information science by...
Project-team RAINBOW Sensor-based Robotics and Human Interaction The long-term vision of the Rainbow team is to develop the next generation of sensor-based robots...
Project-team RANDOPT Randomized Optimization The RandOpt team at Inria's Saclay - Ile-de-France research center, joint team with the CMAP at...
Project-team RAPSODI Reliable numerical approximations of dissipative systems RAPSODI is a common research team with Université de Lille and CNRS. Its activity is devoted on...
Project-team RESIST Resilience and elasticity for security and scalability of dynamic networked systems The RESIST project designs, implements and validates novel models, algorithms and tools for highly...
Project-team ROBOTLEARN Learning, perception and control for social robots The scientific ambition of ROBOTLEARN is to train robots to acquire the capacity to look, listen...
Project-team ROMA Optimisation des ressources : modèles, algorithmes et ordonnancement Resource Optimization: Models, Algorithms, and scheduling The ROMA team aims at designing models...
Project-team SAIRPICO Space-time imaging, artificial intelligence and computing for cellular and chemical biology
Project-team SCOOL Sequential decision making under uncertainty problem The scientific project of Scool is focussed on sequential decision making under uncertainty. In...
Project-team SEMAGRAMME Semantic Analysis of Natural Language The overall objective of the Sémagramme project is to design and develop new unifying logic-based...
Project-team SERENA Simulation for the Environment: Reliable and Efficient Numerical Algorithms The project-team SERENA is concerned with numerical methods for environmental problems. The main...
Project-team SIMBA Statistical Inference and Modeling for Biological Applications SIMBA (Statistical Inference and Modeling for Biological Applications) is a joint Inria, Université...
Project-team SIMBIOTX SImulations in Medicine, BIOtechnology and ToXicology of multicellular systems The overall objective of SIMBIOTX is the implementation of computational models and tools with...
Project-team SIMSMART SIMulating Stochastic Models with pARTicles Simsmart is a computational probability and statistics research team, dedicated to the study of...
Project-team SISTM Statistics In System biology and Translational Medicine Objectives The challenge is to analyze these BIG DATA to answer clinical and biological questions by...