Project-team ACENTAURI Artificial intelligence and efficient algorithms for autonomus robotics The goal of ACENTAURI is to study and develop intelligent, autonomous and mobile robots that...
Project-team ALMANACH Automatic Language Modelling and Analysis & Computational Humanities The ALMAnaCH project-team (Automatic Language Modelling and Analysis & Computational Humanities) is...
Project-team AUCTUS Robots for Humans at work The objective of the Auctus team is to imagine the collaborative robots of the future. The ability...
Project-team AVIZ Analysis and VIsualiZation Like many other fields, the sciences are being transformed by our rapidly-increasing abilities to...
Project-team BIVWAC Building Immersive Visualizations for Welfare, Awareness, and Comprehension Bivwac is an Inria- CNRS joint research team in association with the LaBRI computer science lab at...
Project-team BOREAL Knowledge Representation and Rule-Based Languages for Reasoning on Data Current information systems are grounded on the exploitation of data coming from an increasing...
Project-team CEDAR Rich Data Exploration at Cloud Scale In today's data-intensive application, variety is the norm, and is likely to remain so for a while...
Project-team CHROMA Cooperative and Human-aware Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments The Chroma team aims at designing general methods for mobile robots' perception and decision making...
Project-team COMPACT COMPression of mAssively produCed visual daTa In a context of massively produced and viewed visual data, the main objective of the COMPACT team is...
Project-team DEFROST DEFormable Robotics SofTware Our Vision Future robots don’t need to be «rigid» but made of complex deformable structures...
Project-team EX-SITU Extreme Situated Interaction ExSitu explores the limits of interaction — how extreme users interact with technology in extreme...
Project-team GEOMERIX Geometry-driven Numerics The Inria project-team GeomeriX is devoted to the development of predictive computational tools...
Project-team GRAPHDECO GRAPHics and DEsign with hEterogeneous COntent Despite significant progress in Computer Graphics, HCI and Computer Vision, creating, manipulating...
Project-team HEPHAISTOS HExapode, PHysiology, AssISTance and RobOtics The HÉPHAÏSTOS project-team was created on January 1st 2014. This project is composed of INRIA...