Project-team AGORA Wireless Networks for Digital Cities Smart city is a constantly reshaped concept, embracing the future of dense metropolitan areas, with...
Project-team AIO Dependable Networking, Low-Power Wireless and Micro-Robotics Inria-AIO is a leading research team in low-power wireless communications. The team is designing...
Project-team DIANA Design, Implementation and Analysis of Networking Architectures The DIANA team conducts research in the domain of networking, with an emphasis on designing...
Project-team DYOGENE Dynamics of Geometric Networks The scientific focus of DYOGENE is on geometric network dynamics arising in communications...
Project-team ERMINE Measuring and Managing Network operation and economics Networks are omnipresent and increasingly complex, and require an efficient management of their...
Project-team FUN self-organizing Future Ubiquitous Network The FUN research group investigates solutions to enhance programmability, adaptability and...
Project-team MARACAS Models and Algorithms for Reliable Communication Systems MARACAS combines communication theory and information theory with statistical signal processing...
Project-team NEO Network Engineering and Operations The team is positioned at the intersection of Operations Research and Network Science. By using the...
Project-team RESIST Resilience and elasticity for security and scalability of dynamic networked systems The RESIST project designs, implements and validates novel models, algorithms and tools for highly...
Project-team TRIBE inTeRnet BEyond the usual The TRiBE (inTeRnet BEyond the usual) is a research team of Inria Saclay – Ile de France, located at...