Project-team BOREAL Knowledge Representation and Rule-Based Languages for Reasoning on Data Current information systems are grounded on the exploitation of data coming from an increasing...
Project-team CEDAR Rich Data Exploration at Cloud Scale In today's data-intensive application, variety is the norm, and is likely to remain so for a while...
Project-team LACODAM Large scale Collaborative Data Mining The objective of the LACODAM team is to considerably facilitate the process of making sense from...
Project-team LINKS Linking Dynamic Data The appearance of linked data on the web calls for novel database management technologies for linked...
Project-team MAGNET Machine Learning in Information Networks A primary objective of Magnet is in making artificial intelligence more acceptable to society by...
Project-team MOEX Evolving Knowledge Human beings are apparently able to communicate knowledge. However, it is impossible for us to know...
Project-team PETRUS PErsonal & TRUSted cloud We are witnessing an exponential accumulation of personal data on central servers: data...
Project-team TYREX Types and Reasoning for the Web Tyrex is a research project team, affiliated with CNRS LIG, Inria, UGA, and Grenoble INP. We develop...
Project-team VALDA Value from Data Valda’s focus is on both foundational and systems aspects of complex data management, especially...
Project-team WIMMICS Web-Instrumented huMan-Machine Interactions, Communities and Semantics The web is no longer the simple documentary system built on a simple protocol (HTTP), a simple...