Project-team ABS Algorithms - Biology - Structure Computational Structural Biology (CSB) is the scientific domainconcerned with the development of...
Project-team CAPSID Computational Algorithms for Protein Structures and Interactions The Capsid team develops algorithms and software to help study biological systems and phenomena from...
Project-team DYLISS Dynamics, Logics and Inference for biological Systems and Sequences Our common "knowledge-based approach" aims at gaining in sensitivity and expressivity through a...
Project-team ERABLE European Research team in Algorithms and Biology, formaL and Experimental Cells are seen as the basic structural, functional and biological units of all living systems. They...
Project-team GENSCALE Scalable, Optimized and Parallel Algorithms for Genomics GenScale is a research team in bioinformatics. Its main objective is to develop efficient methods...
Project-team LIFEWARE Computational systems biology and optimization The project Lifeware aims at developing formal methods for understanding the cell machinery and...
Project-team MERGE Mathematics for Evolution, Reproduction, Growth and Emergence MERGE gathers researchers all working in mathematics - more precisely stochastic processes, Partial...
Project-team MORPHEME Morphologie et Images The scientific objectives of MORPHEME are to characterize and model the development and the...
Project-team MOSAIC MOrphogenesis Simulation and Analysis In siliCo Our general aim in MOSAIC is to identify key principles of organism development in close...
Project-team PLEIADE Patterns of diversity and networks of function The study of biology associates pattern recognition of diversity with modeling of functional and...
Project-team SAIRPICO Space-time imaging, artificial intelligence and computing for cellular and chemical biology The aim of the team is to develop computational methods and artificial intelligence algorithms to...