Project-team ABS Algorithms - Biology - Structure Computational Structural Biology (CSB) is the scientific domainconcerned with the development of...
Project-team BIOVISION Biologically plausible Integrative mOdels of the Visual system : towards synergIstic Solutions for visually-Impaired people and artificial visiON Vision is a key function to sense the world and perform complex tasks, with a high sensitivity and a...
Project-team CAMIN Control of Artificial Movement & Intuitive Neuroprosthesis Camin team has grown out of the former Demar team. Our research is dedicated to the design and...
Project-team CASTOR Control for plAsma inSTability, Optimization and model Reduction Castor gathers the activities in numerical simulation of fusion plasmas with the activitiesin...
Project-team COMPO COMPutational pharmacology and clinical Oncology The ambition of the COMPO Inria-Inserm joint project-team is to develop novel mathematical models...
Project-team CRONOS Computational modelling of brain dynamical networks The estimation, quantification and comparison of brain dynamics is one of the central challenges of...
Project-team EPIONE E-Patient: Images, Data & MOdels for e-MediciNE Description Our long-term goal is to contribute to the development of what we call the e-patient...
Project-team EVERGREEN Earth obserVation and machine lEarning foR aGRo-Environmental challENges The EVERGREEN team actively works on the design and implementation of cutting-edge machine learning...
Project-team LEMON Littoral Environment: M0dels and Numerics LEMON is a research team between Inria Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée, Hydrosciences Montpellier (HSM...
Project-team MACBES Modelling And Control of Biological and Ecological Systems Macbes is one of the two project-teams following the Biocore project-team. Macbes is a common...
Project-team MATHNEURO Mathematics for Neuroscience The research of the MathNeuro team focuses on the applications of multi-scale dynamics to...
Project-team MORPHEME Morphologie et Images The scientific objectives of MORPHEME are to characterize and model the development and the...
Project-team PREMEDICAL Precision Medicine by Data Integration and Causal Learning The PreMeDICaL team ( Precision Medicine by Data Integration and Causal Learning) is a joint team...