Project-team MIMETIC Analysis-Synthesis Approach for Virtual Human Simulation The MimeTIC research team focuses on designing methods for anlayzing human motion in ecological...
Project-team MIMOVE Middleware on the Move Given the prevalence of global networking and computing infrastructures, mobile networking...
Project-team MIND Models and Inference for Neuroimaging Data MIND is a joint Inria and CEA (NeuroSpin center) project-team whose overall scientific objective is...
Project-team MINGUS MultI-scale Numerical Geometric Schemes The research group MINGuS focuses on the mathematical and numerical analysis of partial differential...
Project-team MNEMOSYNE Mnemonic Synergy At the frontier between integrative and computational neuroscience, we propose to model the brain as...
Project-team MOCQUA Designing the Future of Computational Models The goal of the Mocqua team is to tackle challenges coming from the emergence of new or future...
Project-team MOEX Evolving Knowledge Human beings are apparently able to communicate knowledge. However, it is impossible for us to know...
Project-team MOKAPLAN Advances in Numerical Calculus of Variations The last two decades have witnessed a remarkable convergence between several sub-domains of the...
Project-team MONC Mathematical modeling for Oncology The MONC project-team aims at developing new mathematical models involving partial differential...
Project-team MORPHEME Morphologie et Images The scientific objectives of MORPHEME are to characterize and model the development and the...
Project-team MORPHEO Capture and Analysis of Shapes in Motion Morpheo's main objective is the ability to perceive and to interpret moving shapes using multiple...
Project-team MOSAIC MOrphogenesis Simulation and Analysis In siliCo Our general aim in MOSAIC is to identify key principles of organism development in close...
Project-team MULTISPEECH Multimodal Speech in Interaction MULTISPEECH is a joint research team between the Université of Lorraine, Inria, and CNRS. It is part...
Project-team MUSCA MUltiSCAle population dynamics for physiological systems MUSCA (MUltiSCAle populations dynamics for physiological systems) is a joint project-team between...
Project-team MUSCLEES Mathematical Understanding across Scales of Complex Living Ecosystems with Emerging Structures