Frequently asked questions

Changed on 23/04/2024

Which jobs in which public-sector categories?

Inria researchers are included within the general categorisation of French public-sector employees. They are governed by two specific decrees:

  • Code of research (art R421-1 to R426-10),
  •  decree number 86-576 of 14 March 1986 (as consolidated on 03/05/2007) regarding the specific arrangements for public-sector staff categories at Inria.

ISFP researchers fall under the following legal bases:

  • The French Research Code, in particular article L 431-2-1,
  • Decree no. 86-83 of January 17, 1986 on the general provisions applicable to contractual State employees in application of the General Civil Service Code.

Researchers belong to one of the following two public-sector employee categories (or "corps"):

The category of research scientists, which comprises two grades: 

  • researcher "normal" class (CRCN)
  • researcher "senior" class (CR Hors classe)

The category of senior research scientists, which comprises three grades:

  • senior researcher, level 2 (DR2)
  • senior researcher, level 1 (DR1)
  • senior researcher, special level (DR0)

Recruitment is by competitive entry. One or more competitive entry procedures may be organised each year for entry into each of the grades CRCN, CR Hors classe, DR2 and DR1. All such competitive entry procedures are open to applicants from outside of Inria. The DR0 special grade is attained only by internal promotion.

ISFP are recruited as part of an annual campaign offering a number of positions distributed by research center and/or by theme.

How can I find out that a recruitment procedure has been started?

For each competitive entry procedure, a procedure initiation notice published in France's official gazette, the "Journal Officiel", states the positions to be filled. It is publicised on the Inria website and in Inria research centres, including the number of vacant positions, practical arrangements for registration, deadline and location for application submissions, and the competitive entry procedure timetable. Entry procedures are initiated per grade. For each grade, vacant positions may be split by research centre, or may be delineated by subject area.


How do I apply?

After publication of the procedure initiation notice published in France's official gazette, and in accordance with the application timetable, application forms can be downloaded from the Inria website and are also available from the human resources departments at research centres.


Which documents need to be included with an application?

Please refer to the submission arrangements given in the application form.


How can I choose a location?

Applicants must state the research centre(s) and research team(s) to which they wish to be allocated in their applications.
For CRCN and DR2 competitive entry, applicants can ask to be allocated to an existing research team, but it is also possible for them to suggest new research activity to be conducted within Inria, and they are thus recruited outside of existing research teams.


Can I submit an incomplete application and add to it subsequently?

Yes, but any additional attachments or amendments absolutely must be submitted before the submission deadline.


How can I check that my submission has been logged?

An acknowledgement of receipt is issued for every application submitted. This is no indication as to the eligibility of the application, it merely shows that the application has indeed been logged.


What qualifications are allowable for competitive entry?

The admissibility criteria for competitive entry recruitment of researchers are described in detail in the decrees above mentionned. Essentially, for applicants who are not already public-sector employees at Inria or another publicly-funded science and technology institution, the criteria are:

Holders of a PhD or research doctorate can apply under the competitive entry procedure for grade:

  • CRCN
  • CR Hors classe if they can show two years of experience working in a research role*
  • DR2 if they can show eight years of experience working in a research role*
  • DR1 if they can show twelve years of experience working in a research role*

Holders of a higher doctorate (habilitation level) can apply under the competitive entry procedure for all grades (CRCN and CR hors class, DR2 and DR1).

For applicants not holding such qualifications, admissibility may be determined by the Inria evaluation committee, which assesses the equivalence of applicants scientific qualifications and work relative to the conditions required for entry to the procedure.

* The years of experience in research roles must have been worked in a publicly-funded science and technology institution, a research laboratory or in education in a publicly-funded research body. In the event an applicant has carried out research work in some other public- or private-sector laboratory, equivalence may be granted by the institution director, after seeking the opinion of the appropriate evaluation body at the institution.


Are there any length of service conditions to be met in order to apply?

Yes, for applicants belonging to the junior research scientist category of public sector employees at Inria or another publicly-funded science and technology institution: for experienced research scientists (CR hors classe), three years' experience at this grade is required before applying to become a level 2 senior research scientist (DR2). The CEO of Inria may allow applications that are exceptions to this condition on the advice of the Inria scientific committee.


Can I apply with a Foreign PhD degree?

Yes, on condition that the qualification is deemed equivalent to one of the qualifications required to apply for competitive entry by Inria's evaluation committee.


Can I apply without a Foreign PhD degree?

Yes, the scientific work presented by the applicant may be deemed equivalent to one of the qualifications required by Inria's evaluation committee, as described above.


Are there nationality conditions?

No, there are no nationality conditions to be met for competitive entry researcher recruitment at Inria.


Is there an age limit?

Since 1 November 2005 (statutory order 2005-901 of 2 August 2005), there have been no age conditions to be met for competitive entry researcher recruitment at Inria.


How can I check whether an application submitted has been deemed admissible?

For each competitive entry procedure, the list of all applicants accepted to continue the procedure is complied after the Inria evaluation committee has given its opinion. All applicants are informed by letter of the admissibility or otherwise of their application.


How does the competitive entry procedure work?

Competitive entry for junior and senior research scientists includes an eligibility stage and an acceptance stage.
The eligibility panel, or relevant panel section, examines the qualifications and work of applicants and, having deliberated, compiles a list of applicants eligible to continue the competitive entry procedure.
Applicants eligible for continuing the competitive entry procedure are then interviewed. The interview date is posted on the Inria website. An invitation to attend the interview is sent to each applicant (to the address given in the application).
After interviewing the applicants, the eligibility panel compiles a list of acceptable candidates, in order of merit. This list is posted in research centres and on the Inria website. From this list, the acceptance panel, chaired by the CEO of Inria or his representative, draws up the list of accepted applicants, again in order of merit. The panel may compile a reserve list. The list of accepted applicants and the reserve list are posted in research centres and on the Inria website.

The ISFP recruitment campaign comprises several selection stages, modelled on those of competitive examinations: a selection based on the candidate's file, an audition and the selection of candidates. The eligibility committee examines the candidates' qualifications and work and, after deliberation, draws up a list of candidates admitted to continue the recruitment process. The selected candidates are then auditioned. Selected candidates who have applied for both the CRCN competition and an ISFP position only have to audition once. The audition date is posted on the Inria website. An invitation to attend the audition is sent to each candidate (to the address given in the application file). Following the audition, the eligibility committee draws up a list of eligible candidates, in order of merit. This list is posted in the research centers and on the Inria website. From this list, the Admissions Committee, chaired by Inria's CEO or his or her representative, draws up a list of successful candidates, in order of merit. It may draw up a supplementary list. The list of successful candidates and the supplementary list are posted in the research centers and on the Inria website.


Who sits on the panels?

The detailed rules governing the composition of the eligibility and acceptance panels are described in the government orders mentioned in 1 above. The composition of the eligibility panel and any interview sections there may be, and the composition of the acceptance panel, will both be posted in Inria research centres.

For the ISFP campaign, the eligibility juries for the CRCN competitions meet as a selection committee to evaluate ISFP applications. An admissions committee, separate from the CRCN admissions jury, is organized under the responsibility of the Center Director to draw up the list of successful candidates. The composition of these committees will be posted in the Inria research centers and on the Inria website.


How are applicants informed of the outcome of the panels' deliberations?

At the end of each stage (pre-selection before interview, interviews, acceptance), the list of pre-selected, acceptable and then accepted applicants is posted in research centres and on the Inria website. In addition, all applicants will be informed by post of the outcome of their applications.


What is the appointment procedure?

Appointments are decided by the CEO of Inria, in the order of the list of accepted applicants. Junior and intermediate research scientists (CRCN and CR Hors classe) are first appointed as probationary public-sector employees for one year, at the end of which the position becomes permanent following a decision by the CEO, after an opinion issued by the evaluation committee.
The public-sector grade at which applicants are recruited is determined on the basis of qualifications and previous positions held. However, where the applicant was previously employed in the (French) public sector, he or she is appointed at the grade equal to, or immediately above, that occupied in his or her original state department or organisation.
Appointments from the reserve list may occur if accepted applicants withdraw, or if a job becomes vacant in the intervening period between two competitive entry procedures.

ISFPs are recruited on a permanent civil service contract (CDI), with a 4-month trial period (renewable if necessary), combined with a teaching assignment at an Inria partner higher education institution (approximately 32 to 64 hours per year).


How are successful applicants allocated geographically?

On the basis of choices expressed by applicants, the CEO of Inria decides to allocate applicants to particular Inria research centres or, if applicable, research teams.


Can the appointment date be deferred?

Inria may agree to defer the start date if an applicant so requests. Under these circumstances, the appointment takes effect only on the actual start date.
In some cases (maternity, military service, parental leave for successful applicants who are already public-sector employees), appointment deferral is an entitlement.