Project-team AROMATH AlgebRa, geOmetry, Modeling and AlgoriTHms Geometry is involved in many domains (manufacturing, simulation, communication, virtual world ...)...
Project-team DATASHAPE Understanding the shape of data DataShape is a research project in Topological Data Analysis ( TDA), a recent field whose aim is to...
Project-team KAIROS Multiform Logical Time for Formal Cyber-Physical System Design Kairos is working on how methods and tools to manage concurrency and time at different levels of...
Project-team OLAS Operational, Logical, and Algebraic foundations for Software systems Software is more and more transforming our daily lives. However, it is also becoming more and more...
Project-team STAMP Safety Techniques based on Formalized Mathematical Proofs The STAMP project-team studies the formal verification of algorithms and mathematical results using...