CRI Saclay
© Inria / photo G. Scagnelli

Inria Saclay Centre

Created in 2008, the Inria Saclay research centre is located at the heart of the Paris-Saclay scientific and technological excellence cluster. Serving the development of the Université Paris-Saclay and the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, the Inria Saclay centre has 80 people working in research support services and 500 scientists working in 38 project teams.


The center has 38 project-teams, 15 of which are shared with the Université Paris-Saclay and 16 with the Institut Polytechnique de Paris. 2 new project-teams are due to be created in 2024. The center mobilizes near to 600 scientists and research and innovation support staff of 54 nationalities.

Scientific priority areas:

  • Scientific computing and optimisation;
  • Operating systems
  • Digital biology and health;
  • AI and data science;
  • Cybersecurity, privacy, proof and verification;
  • Quantum computing;
  • Human-computer interaction.

Ecosystem & Partners

The Inria Saclay Centre is a founding member of Université Paris-Saclay and a member of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

The centre’s project-teams are shared with the following academic partners: CentraleSupélec, École polytechnique, ENS Paris-Saclay, ENSTA Paris, Paris-Saclay University and University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, CEA, CNRS.

The centre also has many other partnerships:   

  • Actors in public research: CNES, IFPEN, INRA, Inserm, Onera... ;   
  • Innovation ecosystem: SystemX, Systematic, NanoInnov, DigiHall, DigiCosme ;   
  • Local authorities: Essonne Departmental Council, Paris-Saclay Agglomeration Community, Ile-de-France Region;   
  • Companies:
    • SME-ETI: AdaCore, Distène, DataIku, Sysnav, Lemma, Tinyclues... ;
    • Major companies: Airbus, Boeing, Dassault Systèmes, EDF, Fujitsu, Google, Microsoft, Orange, PSA, Renault, Safran, Thales, Sony, Total... ;   
  • International academic partners: Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Newcastle University, Keio University, CWI...

Recruitment at the Inria Saclay centre


Are you looking to work on stimulating projects in an international, interdisciplinary environment geared towards innovation? Every year Inria recruits interns, PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, research fellows and directors of research, either through competitive exams or through contracts.

Technological development

Inria offers a unique environment to talented candidates in the field of technological and software development. Research engineers play a vital role in ensuring high-quality production of knowledge and value by research teams.

Research support

Inria is able to call upon talented individuals in more than 40 different research support positions in pursuit of its ambitions for human resources, administrative support, financial management and communication, and is proud of the 900 individuals on its support staff for research and innovation: truly the backbone of the institute.

Travail collaboratif sur le mur d'images
© Inria / Photo C. Morel

Working at Inria

You wish to become a researcher, an engineer, to accompany the research within the institute? Or simply do an internship?

© Inria / B. Fourrier

Jean-Philippe Lagrange

Director of the Inria Saclay Centre

Our organization

  • Bertrand Thirion, Head of Science
  • Nicolas Anciaux, Deputy Head of Science
  • Abdelouahed Klitim, General Secretary
  • Estelle Fiévé, Head of Transfer for Innovation and Partnerships
  • Emilie Peinchaud, Head of Science scientific communication and mediation 
  • Romain Primet, Head of Experimentation and Development Department
  • Delphine Charbonneau, Head of Human Resources
  • Hasnet Mermit, Head of Administration and Finance 
  • Sandrine Capelle, Head of Legal Affairs
  • Natalia Alvès, Head of research team assistant
  • Albert Balesme, Head of general technical services
  • Christine Colson, Executive Assistant

Practicals information & Contacts

CRI Saclay


Inria Saclay Centre

1 rue Honoré d'Estienne d'Orves

Bâtiment Alan Turing

Campus de l'École polytechnique

91120 Palaiseau

Reception contact

  • Phone: +33 1 72 92 59 00
  • e-Mail

Press contact