Project-team KERDATA Enabling the Edge-Cloud-HPC Data Continuum The KerData project-team is namely focusing on designing innovative architectures and systems for...
Project-team KOPERNIC Keeping worst case reasoning for different criticalities A cyber-physical system (CPS) has cyber (or computational) components and physical components that...
Project-team KRAKOS Design of performance, robust, secure, flexible, and energy-efficient system software
Project-team LACODAM Large scale Collaborative Data Mining The objective of the LACODAM team is to considerably facilitate the process of making sense from...
Project-team LEMON Littoral Environment: M0dels and Numerics LEMON is a research team between Inria Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée, Hydrosciences Montpellier (HSM...
Project-team LIFEWARE Computational systems biology and optimization The project Lifeware aims at developing formal methods for understanding the cell machinery and...
Project-team LINKMEDIA Creating and exploiting explicit links between multimedia fragments The challenge that multimedia faces today is that of context awareness, i.e., describing documents...
Project-team LINKS Linking Dynamic Data The appearance of linked data on the web calls for novel database management technologies for linked...
Project-team LOKI Technology & Knowledge for Interaction Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a constantly moving field. On the one hand , c hanges in...
Project-team M3DISIM Mathematical and Mechanical Modeling with Data Interaction in Simulations for Medicine M3DISIM (pronounced like "medicine" with a final "m") is a joint project-team with Ecole...
Project-team MAASAI Models and Algorithms for Artificial Intelligence Maasai is a research project-team at Inria Sophia-Antipolis, working on the models and algorithms of...
Project-team MACARON MAChine leARning for Optimized Numerical methods The INRIA Macaron team (common with IRMA and CNRS) works on the construction of numerical methods...
Project-team MACBES Modelling And Control of Biological and Ecological Systems Macbes is one of the two project-teams following the Biocore project-team. Macbes is a common...
Project-team MAGELLAN Reliable and Responsible Decentralized Computing Infrastructures The Magellan Inria/ IRISA project-team aims to enable the creation of efficient, robust, environment...