Project-team ACUMES Analysis and Control of Unsteady Models for Engineering Sciences The project focuses on the analysis and optimal control of classical and non-classical evolutionary...
Project-team ANGUS Adaptive modelling and numerical simulations for governing equations with underlying structures
Project-team ATLANTIS modeling and numerical methods for computATionaL wave-mAtter iNteracTIons at the nanoScale ATLANTIS is a joint project-team between Inria, CNRS and Université Côte d'Azur thanks to its...
Project-team CAGIRE Computational AGility for internal flows sImulations and compaRisons with Experiments CAGIRE has been bringing together researchers from different backgrounds (turbulence modeling...
Project-team CARDAMOM Certified Adaptive discRete moDels for robust simulAtions of CoMplex flOws with Moving fronts From PDEs to certified computational models : this is the motto of CARDAMOM . We aim at providing a...
Project-team ELAN modELing the Appearance of Nonlinear phenomena ELAN has the ambition to become a unique simulation team at Inria with an original positioning...
Project-team IDEFIX Inversion of Differential Equations For Imaging and physiX The research activity of our team is dedicated to the design, analysis and implementation of...
Project-team MATHERIALS MATHematics for MatERIALS The purpose of the scientific activity of the MATHERIALS research team is to design efficient...
Project-team MEMPHIS Modeling Enablers for Multi-PHysics and InteractionS We aim at a step change in numerical modeling in order to answer actual industrial needs. Our goal...
Project-team MINGUS MultI-scale Numerical Geometric Schemes The research group MINGuS focuses on the mathematical and numerical analysis of partial differential...
Project-team MOKAPLAN Advances in Numerical Calculus of Variations The last two decades have witnessed a remarkable convergence between several sub-domains of the...
Project-team PARADYSE PARticles And DYnamical SystEms The Paradyse project-team is a joint project between Inria, CNRS and the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé...
Project-team PLATON Uncertainty Quantification in Scientific Computing and Engineering PLATON is an Inria project-team joint with École Polytechnique, within CMAP (Centre de Mathématiques...
Project-team POEMS Wave propagation: mathematical analysis and simulation The general activity of the team is oriented toward the design, the analysis and the numerical...