Academic partnerships

AP-HP and Inria strengthen their partnership

Changed on 14/04/2021
L'Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, the European leader in clinical trials and Europe's leading university hospital, and Inria signed a five-year framework collaboration agreement on November 17, 2020. The agreement provides in particular for the creation of a joint AP-HP - Inria laboratory dedicated to digital sciences and technologies in the field of health. Headed by Dominique Chapelle, Director of Research at the Inria Saclay Île-de-France research centre, this laboratory will develop research projects and innovations combining the complementary skills of the two institutions.

The Covid-19 epidemic revealed the major contribution of digital science and technology, including data science, in the field of health. AP-HP and Inria have actively collaborated, both for the adaptation of health care organisations and for the processing and structuring of health data, in the fight against SARS-CoV-2.  The two institutions have thus developed research projects for the diagnosis and management of Covid-19 as well as for the steering of hospital activity, using artificial intelligence tools among others.

The AP-HP Health Data Warehouse (EDS_APHP) offers a remarkable opportunity for such projects. It is the first EDS to have been set up within a French health establishment, authorised by the CNIL and with a governance in line with the recommendations issued by the CCNE in May 2019. The EDS_APHP currently integrates the health data of approximately 11 million patients admitted to the AP-HP.

AP-HP and Inria sign a framework agreement to set up a joint laboratory with the main objectives of :

  • To set up collaborations for the development of methods, models or devices useful for diagnosis, treatment, data research, as well as for the management of hospital activity, the evaluation of innovations and their transfer to the economic world, to industrial partners or through the creation of startups ;
  • Encourage the transfer of certain techniques resulting from research to exploration (biology, imaging, etc.) in the hospital environment or to the AP-HP information systems (massive data platform and its technical environment) ;
  • Accelerate the dissemination of knowledge in an interdisciplinary framework and enable the rise in competence of clinical researchers at the AP-HP and Inria researchers dedicated to health.

This partnership is a sign of the already active collaboration between the two institutions and will result in an increase in exchanges and the availability of professionals from AP-HP and Inria, the creation of joint project teams, and the creation of AP-HP/Inria research chairs, two of which, as of this year, will be jointly held by AP-HP, Inria and Centrale Supélec. Finally, it will open up the possibility of responding to joint calls for tenders.


Having worked with the AP-HP for about fifteen years, I have a lot of admiration for this institution and its actors, and I am very proud and enthusiastic to contribute to this rapprochement with Inria!


Dominique Chapelle


Inria Senior Researcher

Dominique Chapelle in a few words

A graduate of the École polytechnique and Ponts et Chaussées (1986), Dominique Chapelle obtained a master's degree from MIT (1993), followed by a thesis (1996) and a habilitation (2003) in applied mathematics at the Pierre and Marie Curie University. An Inria researcher since 1997, he created a first team in numerical methods for structural mechanics in 2000. He then developed a growing interest in cardiac modelling, until it became one of the flagship subjects of the MΞDISIM project-team which he co-founded in 2016, with Philippe Moireau, at the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France research centre in partnership with the École polytechnique. He is a member of the editorial boards of the journals Computers & Structures and ESAIM:M2AN, and of the board of the VPH Institute. Dominique is also scientific delegate of the Inria Saclay - Île-de-France centre since 2016.